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  • 姓名:严昆
  • 性别:
  • 民族:汉族
  • 科室:超声科
  • 职称:主任医师,教授
  • 专业:影像医学与核医学、超声医学
  • E-MAIL: ydbz@sina.com

学术论文 | 出版专著 | 奖励表彰 | 科研项目



Wang Y, Wang Y, Fan Z, Shan J, Yan K*. The Value of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Classification in Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cystic Lesions.,Biomed Res Int.,Published 2019 Oct 13.doi:10.1155/2019/5698140.

Shan-shan Yin, Qiu-li Cui, Zhi-Hui Fan, Wei Yang, Kun Yan*. Diagnostic Value of Arrival Time Parametric Imaging Using Contrast Enhanced Ultrasonography in Superficial Enlarged Lymph Nodes.,JUM,2019; 38:1287–1298.

ZHIHUI FAN, YUE CONG, ZHONGYI ZHANG, RONGJIE LI, SONG WANG, and KUN YAN *. Shear Wave Elastography in Rectal Cancer Staging, Compared with Endorectal Ultrasonography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging.,Ultrasound in Med. & Biol.,2019 ; 45(7):1586-1593.

Bin-bin Jiang, Kun Yan*, Zhong-yi Zhang, Wei Yang, Wei Wu, Shan-shan Yin & Min-hua Chen. The value of KRAS gene status in predicting local tumor progression of colorectal liver metastases following radiofrequency ablation.,International Journal of Hyperthermia,,2019; 36(1): 211–219.

腹部超声诊断学, 参编, 人民卫生出版社, 2019.8

消化系统疾病超声多模态系列研究及优化策略的建立, 中华医学科技奖, 第4完成人, 中华医学会, 2020.1

前瞻性探讨KRAS基因及安全范围对超声引导结直肠癌肝转移射频消融疗效的影响, 课题负责人, 2020.6.1~2023.6.29, 首都卫生发展科研专项项目