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  • 姓名:韩淑燕
  • 性别:
  • 民族:汉族
  • 科室:中西医结合科暨老年肿瘤科
  • 职称:研究员,教授
  • 专业:中西医结合基础
  • E-MAIL: shuyanhan@bjmu.edu.cn

学术论文 | 综述述评 | 研究方向 | 科研项目

Deng XX, Jiao YN , Hao HF, Xue D*, Bai CC*, Han SY*. Taraxacum mongolicum extract inhibited malignant phenotype of triple-negative breast cancer cells in tumor-associated macrophages microenvironment through suppressing IL-10 / STAT3 / PD-L1.,J Ethnopharmacol.,2021, 274:113978.

Zhao C#, Hao HF#, Zhao HY, Ren W, An G, Sun H, Han SY*, Li PP*. Marsdenia tenacissima extract promotes gefitinib accumulation in tumor tissues of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) xenograft mice.,J Ethnopharmacol.,2020, 255: 112770

Li ZD#, Hao HF#, Tian WJ, Jiao YN, Deng XX, Han SY*, Han JY*. Nitric oxide, a communicator between tumor cells and endothelial cells, mediates the anti-tumor effects of Marsdenia Tenacissima extract (MTE).,J Ethnopharmacol.,2020, 250:112524.

Hao HF#, Tian WJ#, Pan CS, Jiao YN, Deng XX, Fan JY, Han JY, Han SY*, Wang M*, Li PP*. Marsdenia tenacissima extract dilated small mesenteric arteries via stimulating endothelial nitric oxide synthase and inhibiting calcium influx.,J Ethnopharmacol.,2019, 238:111847.

Zhao C, Zheng N, Yang F, Han SY*, Li PP*. A validated high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for quantification of gefitinib and its main metabolites in xenograft mouse tumor: application to a pharmacokinetics study. Biomed Chromatogr. 2019, 33:e4638.,Biomed Chromatogr.,2019, 33:e4638.

Wang S, Fu JL, Hao HF, Jiao YN, Li PP*, Han SY*,Pharmacol Res,170:105728

Deng XX, Zhao SP, Liu XQ, Han L, Wang RZ, Hao HF, Jiao YN, Han SY*, Bai CC*. Polygala tenuifolia: a source for anti-Alzheimer’s disease drugs.,Pharm Biol.,2020, 58(1): 410-416.

Deng XX, Ye YY, Hao HF, JiaoYN, Han SY*, Bai CC*. Chemical constituent and chemotaxonomic study on the root of Anemone vitifolia Buch.-Ham.,Biochemical Systematics and Ecology.,2019, 87: 103955

蒲公英提取物通过CUEDC2影响三阴乳腺癌干细胞干性抑制其恶性表型的分子机制, 课题负责人, 2019.1.1~2022.12.31, 国家自然科学基金面上项目