描述: 该课程以肿瘤病变的放射诊断为主线,以解剖系统为单位划分出六大章节,各自独立成体系并各有侧重点,一方面以理论授课方式从浅入深代入基本影像解剖基础知识,以肿瘤影像表现和/或肿瘤特色的临床分期相关内容为重要讲授点;另一方面以实战型的病例图像解读为巩固和提升方式,促进学生的主动思考与读片互动,辅以一些必要的相关学科前沿进展介绍。适合有基本放射学理论的影像专业学生从全系统深入了解临床诊疗密切相关的肿瘤影像知识,以及肿瘤临床专业的学生提升影像读片技能水平并了解放射学专业的发展现状。 The class “Oncologic radiology: Diagnosis and imaging interpretation” is an advanced imaging class for the improvement in oncologic related radiology knowledge. It is composed of six sections by human anatomic systems. Every system has its own specific requirement in clinical treatment and thus has its own emphasis on imaging. We provide knowledge from basic oncologic radiology to tumor staging and treatment-related imaging findings, with emphasis on clinical needs by a style of traditional teaching. At the same time, a case-by-case interpretation class will follow each teaching section to give an inter-active style for students. The cases are planned to stimulate the subjective learning of the students, and thus further absorb the knowledge from previous teaching. And the advances in radiology will also be updated during the class. This class is suitable for radiology students who need to go further in oncologic imaging, and for clinical students who plan to specialize in oncology and need advanced knowledge of imaging.
- 内容 主讲 时间 地点
- 头颈部肿瘤读片实践 林天烨 高顺禹 2023.11.13 18:00 影像科读片室
- 神经系统病变读片实践 金鑫 吴坚 2023.11.13 19:00 影像科读片室
- 胸部解剖及肺肿瘤读片实践 具海月 齐丽萍 刘玉良 2023.11.20 18:00 影像科读片室
- 纵隔肿瘤读片实践 管真 陈麦林 2023.11.27 18:00 影像科读片室
- 乳腺肿瘤读片实践 龙蓉 曹崑 2023.11.27 19:00 影像科读片室
- 食管及结直肠肿瘤读片实践 赵建卿 孙瑞佳 张晓燕 2023.12.4 18:00 影像科读片室
- 胃及小肠肿瘤读片实践 杜雷 唐磊 2023.12.11 18:00 影像科读片室
- 泌尿系统肿瘤读片实践 刘文 朱海滨 2023.12.11 19:00 影像科读片室
- 胰腺及腹膜后肿瘤读片实践 李英 魏义圆 2023.12.18 18:00 影像科读片室
- 胆道及脾脏肿瘤读片实践 刘茜 王之龙 2023.12.18 19:00 影像科读片室
- 肝脏肿瘤读片实践 邢倩 秦岫波 崔湧 2023.12.25 17:30 影像科读片室
- 生殖系统肿瘤读片实践 常瑞萍 李海蛟 2023.12.25 19:30 影像科读片室
- 骨肌肿瘤读片实践 赵博 朱汇慈 2024.1.8 17:30 影像科读片室
- 脊柱肿瘤读片实践 杨守鑫 史燕杰 2024.1.8 18:30 影像科读片室
- 系统性肿瘤病变读片实践 李艳玲 迟永堃 2024.1.8 19:30 影像科读片室