学术论文 | 科研项目 | 招生计划
Li J, Shen L. The current status of and prospects in research regarding gastrointestinal stromal tumors in China. .,Cancer,2020 May 1;126 Suppl 9:2048-2053.
Fu J, Li J*, Tang L, et al. Heterogeneity of metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor on texture analysis: DWI texture as potential biomarker of overall survival.,Eur J Radiol,2020 Apr;125:108825
抗肿瘤新药疗效与安全性评价信息化平台优化与应用, 子课题负责人, 2020.1.1~2020.12.31, 国家科技部重大专项