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  • 姓名:李忠武
  • 性别:
  • 民族:汉族
  • 科室:病理科
  • 职称:主任医师,副教授
  • 专业:临床病理学
  • E-MAIL: ZL21187@bjmu.edu.cn

学术论文 | 奖励表彰 | 科研项目

Zhang A, Zhang H, Zhou X, Li Z*, Li N.*. Solitary Fibrous Tumors of the Pleura Shown on 18F-FDG and 68Ga-DOTA-FAPI-04 PET/CT,Clin Nucl Med .,Online ahead of print.

Wang A#, Li Z#, Wang M#, Jia S#, Chen J, Ji K, Ji X, Zong X, Wu X, Zhang J, Li Z, Zhang L, Hu Y, Bu Z, Zheng Q, Ji J. Molecular characteristics of synchronous multiple gastric cancer.,Theranostics,10(12):5489-5500.

B Lian#, Z Li#, N Wu, M Li, X C, hen, H Zhang, M Gao, D Wang, X Chen, H Tian, L Si, Z Chi, X Wang, Y Lai, T Sun, Q Zhang, Y Kong, GV Long, J Guo, C CUI. Phase II clinical trial of neoadjuvant anti-PD-1 (toripalimab) combined with axitinib in resectable mucosal melanoma.,Annals of Oncology,2024 Feb;35(2):211-220

Lujing Yang, Pengju Chen, LiZhang, Lin Wang, Tingting Sun, Lixin Zhou, Zhongwu Li*, Aiwen Wu*. Prognostic value of nucleotyping, DNA ploidy and stroma in high-risk stage II colon cancer.,British Journal of Cancer,123(6):973-981

Zhang P#, Li Z#, Li J, Li J, Zhang X, Lu Z, Sun Y, Li Y, Zhou J, Wang X, Peng Z, Shen L, Lu M.Clinicopathological features and lymph node and distant metastasis patterns in patients with gastroenteropancreatic mixed neuroendocrine-non-neuroendocrine neoplasm,Cancer Med .,10(14):4855-4863

Hu L#, Sun J#, Li Z#, Qu Z, Liu Y, Wan Q, Liu J, Ding X, Zang F, Zhang J, Yao L, Xu Y, Wang Y, Xie Y.Clinical relevance of pathogenic germline variants in mismatch repair genes in Chinese breast cancer patients.,NPJ Breast Cancer .,8(1):52

Xing X#, Shi J#, Jia Y#, Dou Y#, Li Z#, Dong B, Guo T, Cheng X, Li X, Du H, Hu Y, Jia S, Zhang J, Li Z, Ji J.Effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on the immune microenvironment in gastric cancer as determined by multiplex immunofluorescence and T cell receptor repertoire analysis.,J Immunother Cancer,10(3):e003984

Zhao Z#, Zhang X#, Li Z#, Gao Y, Guan X, Jiang Z, Liu Z, Yang M, Chen H, Ma X, Yang R, Lu Z, Liu H, Yang L, Wu A, Zou S, Wang X.Automated assessment of DNA ploidy, chromatin organization, and stroma fraction to predict prognosis and adjuvant therapy response in patients with stage II colorectal carcinoma,Am J Cancer Res .,11(12):6119-6132

Zhang L#, Wang Y#, Li Z#, Lin D, Liu Y, Zhou L, Wang D, Wu A, Li Z.Clinicopathological features of tumor mutation burden, Epstein-Barr virus infection, microsatellite instability and PD-L1 status in Chinese patients with gastric cancer,Diagn Pathol .,1;16(1):38

Tan L, Li H, Yu J, Zhou H, Wang Z, Niu Z, Li J*, Li *Z.Colorectal cancer lymph node metastasis prediction with weakly supervised transformer-based multi-instance learning.,Med Biol Eng Comput.,2023 Jun;61(6):1565-1580.

Liu Z#, Wang A#, Pu Y#, Li Z#, Xue R, Zhang C, Xiang X, E JY, Bu Z, Bai F, Ji J.Genomic and transcriptomic profiling of hepatoid adenocarcinoma of the stomach,Oncogene .,40(38):5705-5717

Xuesong Yang,Yan Wu, Anqiang Wang, Xiuli Ma, Kai Zhou, Ke Ji, Xin Ji, Ji Zhang, Xiaojiang Wu, Zhongwu Li*, Zhaode Bu*. Immunohistochemical characteristics and potential therapeutic regimens of hepatoid adenocarcinoma of the stomach: a study of 139 cases.,The Journal of Pathology: Clinical Research,2024 Jan;10(1):e343.

Lian S, Yang L, Feng Q, Wang P, Wang Y, Li Z.Folate-Receptor Positive Circulating Tumor Cell Is a Potential Diagnostic Marker of Prostate Cancer.,Front Oncol .,8;11:708214

Song Q, Zheng Y, Wu J, Wang S, Meng L, Yao Q, Li Z*, Lian S*.PTP4A3 Is a Prognostic Biomarker Correlated With Immune Infiltrates in Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma,Front Immunol,23;12:717688

Lai Y, Wu Y, Liu R, Lu A, Zhou L, Jia L, Diao X, Li Z*. Four-color fluorescence in-situ hybridization is useful to assist to distinguish early stage acral and cutaneous melanomas from dysplastic junctional or compound nevus.,Diagn Pathol,15(1):51

Li H, Yang L, Lai Y, Wang X, Han X, Liu S, Wang D, Li X, Hu N, Kong Y*, Si L*, Li Z*.Genetic alteration of Chinese patients with rectal mucosal melanoma.,BMC Cancer,27;21(1):623

北京大学医学部优秀教师, 优秀教师, 第1完成人, 北京大学医学部, 2020.5

直肠癌新辅助放化疗后免疫微环境研究, 课题负责人, 2018.1.1~2020.12.31, 北京市卫生和计划生育委员会

核型、DNA倍性及肿瘤间质比在Ⅱ期结肠癌预后评估中的应用, 课题负责人, 2022.1.1~2024.12.31, 北京市卫生健康委员会

基于人工智能的结直肠癌及恶性黑色素瘤 淋巴结转移数字病理辅助诊断系统的研究, 课题负责人, 2021.1.1~2022.12.31, 北京大学

CMTM4,CMTM6作为局部进展期直肠癌新辅助放化疗分子标志物的研究, 课题负责人, 2020.1.13~2020.12.31, 医学交叉种子基金

直肠癌新辅助放化疗后免疫微环境研究, 课题负责人, 2018.1.1~2020.12.31, 首都卫生发展科研专项


  • 国家肿瘤质控中心胃癌质控专家委员会
  • 北京抗癌协会青年理事会理事
  • 肿瘤学年鉴(Annals of Oncology)消化道肿瘤中文版编委
  • 世界华人消化杂志编委
  • 中国肿瘤临床杂志审稿人


  • 2019.8.1~,北京大学肿瘤医院病理科主任医师,副教授
  • 2006.8.1~2014.10.1,北京大学肿瘤医院病理科,住院医师,主治医师